#Autonomous Bay AI | Artificial Intelligence powered Autonomous Bay

#Bay | Stage, Space, Area, Domain, Factory, Laboratory, Compartment or section (for example in airplane, spacecraft) used for autonomous system)

#Heart Monitoring Robot Bay | Laser device detecting heartbeat, breathing rate, and muscle activity from up to meter away, without requiring any wires or contact | High-speed camera to record images of the skin on the throat | Laser beam shone on skin to measure minute skin movements caused by expansion and contraction of tmain artery as blood flows through it.| Reflections analyzed using AI to filter out irrelevant movements and focus on vibrations caused by heartbeat | Accurate and non-invasive readings, even from a distance | It could be used in various settings, such as public spaces, homes, or hospitals, and could potentially replace traditional stethoscopes | Capable of distinguishing individual heartbeats among multiple people | Can be used for biometric identification

#Critical Mineral Bay | High-purity iron: green steelmaking and decarbonisation | Phosphorus: batteries and food security | Silicon metal: semiconductors and computer chips

#EU Critical Raw Materials Act | Key critical minerals needed for clean energy | Critical minerals: lithium, copper, cobalt

#BIMU | RobotHeart | Industrial robotics | Automation | Related technologies and solutions | Components | Systems | Artificial intelligence

#RoboBusiness | Santa Clara, Californua, USA | Future of robotics | Machine learning | Motion control | Sensing | Development tools | Software | Legged robots | Harmonic Drive | Advanced Motion Control | Bogen Magnetics | Bota (Force-sensitive robots) | Doodle Labs (Long-range, high-bandwidth mesh radios) | ElectroCraft (Application-engineered specialty fractional-horsepower motor and motion control products) | RGo (Robotics platforms) | Synapticon (Motion control) | Force (Force-torque sensing systems) | Intelligent Actuator Incorporated (Actuators) | Netzer Precision (Rotary enciders) | Protech (Carbon fiber parts tailored, machined, and molded to) | MassRobotics (Robotics hub) | Silicon Valley Robotics

#U.S. Department of Transportation Bay | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) | Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard | Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) | Reducing rear-end and pedestrian crashes | Detecting pedestrians in both daylight and in darker conditions | Automatic emergency braking

#Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Bay | Query: Large Language Model (LLM): determining necessary data for comprehensive response | Processing: processing natural language search terms, translating them into vector embeddings, performing similarity search, finding vectors closely resembling user question, supplying LLM with more relevant and contextually precise answers | Resolution Process: refining responses through fine-tuning phase involving human feedback, pre-trained data, and reinforcement learning | User Presentation: generating comprehensive response, expert team reviewing and refining response before delivering it

#Language Processing Bay | Large Language Model (LLM) | Language Processing Unit: GPU, LPU | Hardware: Cloud Server, Rack, Card, Processor | Programming languages: Go, Rust, C++, Python | Software stack: TCP, Linux kernel scheduler | Hardware: ASIC design | Electric engineering: high-speed chip to chip, SERDES, memory interfaces and operations | Lab equipment: real-time scope, sampling scope, spectrum analyzer, BERT | SI/PI tools: Cadence/Ansys , Synopsys | High speed processors: Graphics, Microprocessors, Network Processors, Mobile / Multimedia SOC | EDA tools: Cadence Genus/Innovus/Tempus, Synopsys Fusion Compiler/ICC2/Primetime, Ansys Redhawk, Joules/PTPX

#Superyacht Yard Bay | Ferretti Group | Custom Line | Asante: all aluminum Custom Line 50 | Aluminum to offer performance and fuel consumption benefits

#Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) Bay | Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) filling station | Hydrogen (white, green) producer | Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) fueled by LH2 | Hydrogen reciprocating piston engine (hardened valves, stronger connecting rods, and a higher voltage ignition coil) | Mobile filling facility for machinery refuelling directly at construction sites

#Remote microgrid | Renewable Hydrogen Fund, Australia | Horizon Power | ARENA Advancing Renewables program | Displacing diesel with hydrogen | Denham Renewable Hydrogen Microgrid, Western Australia | 704-kilowatt (kW) solar farm | 348kW hydrogen electrolyser | 100kW fuel cell

#Humanoid robot | | Speech-to-speech conversation | Onboard vision language model | AI-driven vision system powered by 6 onboard RGB cameras | Hands with 16 degrees of freedom and human-equivalent strength | General purpose humanoid | Robots to handle general tasks | Enabling robots to learn and interact with environment | Humanoids designed to caring for elderly or even cooking meals | Focusing primarily on industrial warehouse applications to start

#Guam, Pacific Ocean Island, USA | Australia Japan Cable (AJC) | AJC (Telstra, AT&T, NTT, Verizon Softbank) | Connecting Sydney, Australia and Tokyo, Japan via Guam | 12,700 kilometer (km) fiber network | Installed at an average depth of 4,000-5,000 meters | Problem: fiber optics cable fault at a depth between 7,000 to 8,000 meters | Solution privider: Infinera | Time-Based Instant Bandwidth | 400G bandwidth on other segments of AJC network

#Fronthaul | Optical network connections linking remote radio heads (RRHs) to centralized baseband units (BBUs) in Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) architecture | Enhancing data transmission efficiency and reducing latency, crucial for supporting advanced wireless technologies like

#Cloud radio access network (C-RAN) | Centralized architecture for radio access networks | Leveraging cloud computing to enhance flexibility, scalability, and efficiency in telecommunications | Shifting baseband processing from individual base stations to centralized location | BBU hotels connected via high-speed fiber links | Reducing costs, improving spectrum efficiency, and simplifying network management | Making suitable for 5G deployments | C-RAN supports real-time virtualization, enabling dynamic resource allocation and improved user experiences by minimizing interference among cells| Autonomous System Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Autonomous System Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Autonomous Vehicle Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Autonomous Vehicle Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Beyond Space Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Cryogenics Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Cryogenics Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Space Science Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Antarctic Ocean Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Antarctic Ocean Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Arctic Ocean Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Arctic Ocean Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Atlantic Ocean Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Atlantic Ocean Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Caribbean Sea Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Caribbean Sea Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Indian Ocean Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Indian Ocean Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Oceanography Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Pacific Ocean Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Pacific Ocean Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Southern Ocean ApplDevelopment Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Southern Ocean Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Marlin Fishing Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Marlin Fishing Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Longrange Hunting Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Aeronautics Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Aeronautics Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Autonomous System Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Antarctic Ocean Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Yocto Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Unmanned System Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Unmanned System Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Your DragonXi Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Your DragonXi Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Transfer Learning Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Arctic Ocean Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Sense It Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Rub Al Khali Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Reason It Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Porthos Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Porthos Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Personal Robot Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Personal Robot Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Object Detection Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Namib Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Open Source Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Open Source Development Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Search Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Autonomous Device Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Autonomous System Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Caribbean Sea Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Lidar System Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Marlin Fishing Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Pacific Ocean Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Personal Robot Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Southern Ocean Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | DragonXi Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Autonomous Device Application Bay powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

#Rare Earth Elements (REE) | Ionic Absorption Clay (IAC) rare earths mine | Light rare earths (neodymium, praseodymium) | Heavy rare earths (dysprosium, terbium) | Neodymium (iron boron magnets: electric vehicle engines) | Wind turbine generators | EV engine: dysprosium, terbium (maintaining magnet performance at high temperatures) | Brazil REE reserves: 21Mt | China REE reserves: 44Mt | Fully vertically-integrated REE supply chain: China | The largest consumer of rare earth raw materials: China | China REE production: 240,000 metric tonnes (90% glibally) | REE demand: permanent magnets (wind turbines, EVs, missiles) | REE export controls on metals gallium and germanium: China | Global REE supply: 300,000t | China REE supply: 240,000t | Brazil REE supply: 80t | Bazil REE problems: nervous lenders, low rare earths prices, technical challenges | Very slowly catching up to China REE: Australia, Vietnam, Brazil | Brazil Lithium Valley: Minas Gerais